Drummonds Ltd

Excellent control of a wide variety of annual & sedling perennial weeds in new sown leys and established grassland

Pastor Trio IRE webPastor Trio, containing three active ingredients is the most broad spectrum weed killer for use on new sown leys. 

Pastor Trio is excellent on seedling docks and chickweed - the two most damaging weeds in reseeds. Use at 1.0lt/ha on new leys in 200lt water per hectare.

Pastor Trio is also ideal for use on Established grassland for the control of buttercups, dandelions, daisy's, plantains, thistles and docks in grassland. Use at 2.0lt/ha in established grassland.

The combination of the three ingredient ensures it is translocated deep into the roots ensuring a lasting level of control. 

It is also very safe to the grass and fast acting. Stock withdrawal period is just 7 days.


  • Gives excellent control of buttercups, dandelions. Chickweed, plantain, thistles and docks
  • safe on grass
  • Just 7 day stock exclusion
  • translocates deep into the roots ensuring a lasting level of control
  • Can be used in new leays